Monday, April 30, 2012

the following events take place between 3:07:12 and 4:04:12

yes... this month has been slow for posting due to hyper focus on school, work, life & projects but still I take pictures with my iPhone. still seriously obsessed with taking pictures...
which color is me? a great shopping tool

 miami arena remnants (Tom Scicluna)

sexy sliders

up up & away

the view from up here is where it's at

pink perfection

feel the pink (Carlos Betancourt)

childhood dream car 

returning to where i began 

want sum from this angle (Thomas Nolan & Erik Evans)

we 3 in stripes

ba ba black & white sheep, have you any wool?

charging the sky

for you have become a butterfly

don't go changing to try to please me

german movie projection adventure

why just one color?

florida surf history finally happened

pre nuptials in red velvet

work in progress

watching you watching me

move your feet, lose your seat

when the tigers roar

stopping to smell the roses 

el rey de las fritas

tiny pie

let me turn it up for you


amazing PBW installation @ 6th St Container 

peruvian delights with amazing peeps
(Juan, Emily, Barron & Gendry)

dig in, it's gooey

early morning east bound

duty calls


creeping in

courthouse serenade

at the end of the day

serve with pride 

picture within a picture (John Baily)

transformer of frost

discrepant modernism with Pepe Mar

discrepant modernism with Alex Trimino & Peter Hammer

discrepant modernism with Alex Trimino & Pepe Mar

too good for words

shadow dancing as usual

iko iko

kawfee tawlk in my studio
(Duane Brant, Pip Brant & Samantha Salzinger)

arg in motion

sock story

evolution & me

sunday brunch with Jenny J

All our hopes are pinned on you.
And the magic that you do. 

whiskey lullaby

still holding onto my 1st pc