MNVD project

This page is (a temporary space) dedicated to archiving 
MONDAY NIGHT VIDEO DEDICATIONS project by AdrienneRose Gionta ©2010-2012
"I thought MNVD's was super fun. I didn't think too much about it at first, but after awhile I wanted to change my status on Monday so I could see what video I got. It made facebook interactive in another way, like a fortune cookie or something. I just went with it and enjoyed it but in the back of my mind I thought it was about using the landscape of facebook in a new and innovative way, which was really fresh and exciting.  At the same time the "Delilah" format definitely brought up feelings of listening to radio in my car, when I was in high school and my car had a tape player and I didn't have any tapes." – NG (via facebook project survey on 6.13.2012)
This is just one of many collaborators comments about my ongoing social media based project titled MONDAY NIGHT VIDEO DEDICATIONS, born in 2010 out of:
* a question "How can I use the facebook platform as art?"
* a curiosity to observe facebook friends frequently changing
  "status messages" in my news feed, looking for common or 
  consistent conversations & interesting social patterns.
 * a desire to be the “Delilah” of facebook by sharing my love of
  music as a VJ using YouTube (VIVA LA MUSIC VIDEOS! 4EVA EVA!)
* an instinct to try to cheer up Monday dreaders like myself
  with something fun yet heartfelt to look forward to.

facebook event invite for MNVD project, 2011

On April 19, 2010 my status read, “Participate in my ongoing project every Monday night here on Facebook. Change your status message between 7pm & 12am every Monday then I will send you your very own video dedication. Video choices are based off of the first song/lyric that comes to my mind when I read your status message.”  Ten months later, deemed An artist’s cure for the Mondays by the local City Link Magazine, my web based interactive Monday Night Video Dedications for your current status by AdrienneRose Gionta ©2010-2012, is something people look forward to participating in every Monday night. 

Here are some of my favorite screen shots  & some video's from the project so far

checking on the pulse of the project...will share more results soon

so now I am applying for a social media residency to further develop this project and here is why...

Exploring facebook as a format for co-creating/collaborating, has allowed for creating social media projects that are dependent on others interaction & collaboration with me, as well as with each other in new & interesting ways. If no one participates... there is no project… “ohhhh the horror!” but fortunately that has not been the case. The MONDAY NIGHT VIDEO DEDICATIONS project invites everyone connected to me through facebook to interact with and create in an open ended performative work of art every Monday from 7pm -12am. Even homebodies like GL, who says, “I enjoy the interaction of it, I don't get out very much.” have the opportunity to participate. Currently the project has good bones but not enough bite.  “We” being the facebook collaborators, the MNVD project & I are experiencing some growing pains. This project has hit a plateau and desperately needs to expand. This Social Media Residency would give me the time, space & place to sort through all of the collected screen shots, project survey comments & the ongoing MNVD reflective log/diary about each Monday night.  How can I best share & or do I need to share all of the ephemera gathered? Now that the facebook format has changed to time line do I need to change my format? These are a few of the concerns that need to be addressed. Researching, experimenting, executing and exploring a new direction(s) will allow for MONDAY NIGHT VIDEO DEDICATIONS to reach its full & deserving potential while fulfilling my desire to become the “Delilah of facebook”

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