Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby you hold the key... To the diary of me

At the beginning of my 1st semester of grad school... I was asked to keep a visual diary for my Contemporary Art History class of things that inspire my practice as an artist. I decided to use tumblr to create my visual diary since much of my work involves the internet or other computer based activities. has become a place where the immediacy & urgency to peruse, collect, & analyze the eye candy that gives me such great pleasure can be satiated. 

screen shot 1  from the homepage of the visual diary of arg

screen shot 2 from the homepage of the visual diary of arg

Not only did I collect, I was then directed to categorize the content of my visual diary. How to do this? I proposed to create a poster(my GD tendencies rise again) I have always wanted to make one but never have... also an exciting challenge of observing & scrutinizing the contents more closely & creatively. 

and the results are...

a 3x3 poster designed by AdrienneRose Gionta 2012

a closer look at the 10 categories....










 aside from directing various in progress projects... this particular exercise has highlighted my need to collect and analyze data much like a scientist... i now even realize that intuitively my putting all of this in poster format is what they do with their research for science conferences. These are new discoveries for me... and I haven't quite figured out what it all means or how every thing applies just yet... so this lovely poster hangs on the wall of my studio for me to contemplate how I'm gonna work it! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey....stealing the Andy Warhol thing. Love it a ton. Gonna share it on Facebook. Will give you a little promo too.
