Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the following events take place between 12:13:11 and 1:03:12

wrapping up what's left of the old year... sliding into the new one. good times to remember.... good things to come.
always impressed with hot chocolate

things that scare me while driving at night

productive glow of ARG headquarters

sang Coldplay's Yellow when I saw ya

the clear choice 

have a thing for taking pics of people taking pics of people

the rode to joy

note to self

inspired by Dr. Oz

south fl in bloom... in december

Trans-Siberian Orchestra + lots of lights
✫☆҉↘‿↗⁀✫ awesome ✫☆҉↘‿↗⁀✫

crashing my parents party

guess who?... at the age of 18

how can you love others if you don't love yourself

holiday parties with hotties

exuding holiday glow

the sweetest treats for me


the love of friends near and far

is this thing on?

tune in turn on drop out

i got me some JHG

pistachio cupcakes in progress

special holiday edition in full effect

salty. sweet. salty. sweet. salty. sweet. salty. sweet.

the feast of the 7 fishes begins

the loveliest vip seating

it's all about tradition

clams casino! need I say more

zuppa de clams & mussels

linguini marinara for me (cause I can't eat the fishes)

mom's canoes of yumminess

9 yr olds christmas dreams come true

the my sister made this beautiful salad salad

de-freakin licious

antipasta & balsamic glaze of heaven

stuffed artichoke = stuffed me

look what i got

beach adventures in december

my red-velvet birthday gift to DC

make it gold

sweet december birthday celebrations 

tell it like it is

the pic most sent to me... via text

things that make you go hmmmmm

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