Wednesday, February 08, 2012

why don't you take it, you're gonna make it after all

reflecting. waging war on myselves. the gallerist vs. the artist, the practical vs the free spirit, shoobie doobie do. it's over!

a little back story.... graduated my BFA in spring of 2008... the whole time working part time at the university galleries...and there after till 2011. So thats a solid number of years invested in learning everything from dreaded mailing lists, to guarding art from ridiculousness , planning highly successful receptions & VIP parties, hanging art, transporting art, painting walls, moving walls,  registrarial management, exhibition development, curating & design(I heart big time!) training new students every semester in gallery practices, developing & teaching community out reach programs, developing public programming, bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, grant development, scheduling, touring, schmoozing,just about anything that needed to get done...I did it & I loved every minute of it despite some bitching & moaning on occasion. 
i began to find it was easier to focus on learning all I could and how to do it really well, when it came to my career with the gallery. especially after graduating, i felt as though my art making was a guilty pleasure. struggling with either deciding to pursue a masters degree in curatorial practices or my MFA in Visual Arts for at least 3 years, frankly because one seemed like more of a "sure thing".so now i have taken the plunge... full steam ahead in Visual Arts and the 1st semester was the hardest.

as part of my scholarship, I have a part time job with pay called a graduate assistantship... which I am very thankful for! naturally I was very excited to find that I would be coordinating a brand new gallery... i dove in ready to make great things happen...spending far more time & concern for my part time job, because that's where i am all good and will be just fine when & if i choose to pursue this again in the future. i still work at the gallery and will do my best as usual, but am not making this my first priority anymore. i really had to stop and ask, what am i really here for? it was super difficult to answer this question clearly last semester. i'm calling myself out & moving on.

so i have decided to trust my initial instinct and to really do what i had set out to do... explore the scary, exciting, & unknown world of fully being an artist. 5 weeks into the second semester, I am starting to develop a nice rhythm. I work between studio's 5 days a week now...realizing gratefully that this is my job. to explore my creative practice through research (where i sometimes get caught up in longer than necessary), observation, conversation, getting messy, reading, listening to music, exploring new ideas, & working obsessively to resolve ideas & get the picture. this is a fully submersive undertaking that I have never had the opportunity to explore to this depth before and i think i am falling in love. 

Yoko Ono and John Lennon '69

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adrienne. Ditto, ditto, . . . If it were'nt for these damned bills (mortgages, electricity, food), I could fully devote myself to art. Ah well, I did fall in love with the process at FAU, and for that I am grateful. For that I am grateful, for that I am grateful . . . 'this is a recording'.
